I am an Associate Professor at Aix-Marseille University (AMU). I teach for all university degrees at the AMU. My reserches are performed in the Statistical group of the ALEA team, one of the teams of the Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M, UMR 7373).
I currently teach to
I2M is an Joint Research Unit (UMR in french) placed under the triple tutelage of the CNRS, AMU and the École Centrale de Marseille.
I unreasonably work on R and you can view the current stage on my packages on GitHub. My wish is to be useful to both of the communities which have so much to share!
PhD in Biostatistics, 2019
Université de Bordeaux
Research Master, Applied Mathematics for Image and Signal Processing, 2015
CentraleSupelec and Paris-Sud University
Some new things.
What are missing values and how to deal with them using R classical packages.
What is PLS and why ?
That course shows main goals of statistical learning detailing bias/variance tradeoff and most of my thesis results.
That course shows main goals of supervised and unsupervised methods to help students to prepare a project dealing with the 10X data set.
That course shows main goals of supervised and unsupervised methods and their applications through the spectrum of my proper applications.
Introduction to PLS (Partial Least Square) and one of its sparse versions.
Mathematical courses designed to fit to French second year medical students of the Double Cursus Sante Sciences expecting strong mathematical bases.
Mathematical courses designed to fit to French second year medical students of the Double Cursus Sante Sciences expecting strong mathematical bases.
Mathematical courses designed to fit to second year medical students expecting strong mathematical bases.
Among new RNA sequencing methods, one permits to detail the RNA (or DNA) of a sample at a cellular level. That is the Single-Cell RNA-seq. That course explores methods to visualize those datasets.
Data analysis and eigen-space decomposition for supervised problems. Compressing many thoughts :
Missing Value + High-dimension = Act carefully